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Monday 25 June 2012

Unreasonable falling

A very cold weekend we had in Bloemfontein but we stuck it out and went out to Protea Hotel for The Element Of Prestige. An event hosted by a good friend of ours McDonald Keven.

A competiton for dancing, singing and fashion designers. There was this one lady who recited a poem that was so touching and true. Felt we had to share it (^^,)

Thobeka Dywili studies at UFS, 2nd year student but 1st year LLB( she studied political Science last year). Also a part time photographer and enjoys poetry. Here is her poem titled: Unreasonable Falling

Eintlik struss waarheid, I fell for you. I came alive by the intoxicating thought that you and I could be something more. Something lonely heart idolize, tjooning that they got it all figured out when 'they fall in love'. Sadly, reality doesn't give a bulls eye when it slaps you with real talk that you and I were something my lonely thoughts conjured up.
 Here's how I see it, the biggest lie offered to mankind is that pure, perfect, genuine love has an alternative... With perfect love given and found, society's perfect lie is that you can also fall into deceitful lies and deem it 'falling in love'
Let's be real, when falling in love you do not fall into love but into a front; face; disguise; frequent lonely nights; promises sugar coated with malicious lies; a taste of another high that fades even before u actually get high, finding the perfect partner to be by your side even though u end up begging that person to STAY by your side but then again.. U fell into something, but it wasn't love.
Dare me to explain why? Noo?? Yess?? , ok here goes: think of all the times you used the term 'falling in love'.. all the times you liked someone and in record time, had the daunting conversation 'I think I'm falling in love'. Chances are, it didn't last did it? Chances are u thot u had it all figured out, didntcha?. More painfully, you thot you found love, didn't you?
Here comes the mind boggle, you do not need to take the time to learn to love someone but you can simply fall in love with them. Coz in the end, its all the same right?. WRONG. Not convinced? Let's see if this makes sense: God so 'fell in love' with the world that he gave his only begotten son. One of the commandments, fall in love with your neighbour as you have fallen in love with yourself.. Fall in love with your God...ok, I'll stop.
I, For one have decided not to be changed as easily as the rest of you. See when 'Falling in love' becomes society's latter, I, one messed up rebel, have come up with something better.
When love comes for me, he shall find me. Confused, clumpsy and in my most raggedy, he will learn to accept me. And as destiny and faith might have it, he will learn to love me. Coz when all the attraction fades, and the glitter no longer draws, all that shud be left is how my imperfections have captured him.
Yes, he will love... No falling required*

                 Hope you sugahfoots enjoyed this piece as much as i did. sugary dreams to you all.

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