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Sunday 10 February 2013


Heeellloooooooooo my sugahfoots, it sure has been a long minute. We were deep in hibernation but now we are back and hope the love is still there.

Alot has been happening since our last post, so to find out whats been keeping us so hush hush... stick around and you will eventually find out *winx*

NOW.... lets get down to business. There's a new Brand out, will tell you shortly who the creator is but firstly i want to know if you are A Quiter, Camper or Climber??
*moving on swiftly while you answer that*

We at Pop Sanity are most definitely Climbers, and we are climbing right to the TOP. Got a few fabulous peeps climbing right up with us. #AMEN

A M E N  C O U T U R E - The Church Of Fashion. A brand not necessarily bringing sexy back as sexy has never left the church, but rather a brand reviving the sexyness of the fashion church and preaching the verses of all things haute.

It's for the Bold,style loving and indulging,
Allmighty man(man being girl or guy)
It's Boy Couture-Bouture that girls can rock too! A fun brand that wants to revive the adventurous spirit of discovering the new new with fashion.

Amen is a brand created by Abiah Mahlase (@Abiahsuperstar), he did a couple of promotional photoshoots and amongst the few people he worked with, he did a shoot with one of Bloemfontein's best hip-hop dancer crew #G1G.

G1G stands for GOD's 1st GENERATION. Now if you put those two titles together you would see that it only makes sense for them to work together and the pictures make even more sense (^^,)

check them out.....


Follow them on twitter to find out more about the clothing, to order  items or simply see what they are up to next: @Abiahsuperstar  and @G1G_Family
Toodles xoxo

1 comment:

Sir-Thom said...

I think the brand has potential and the photoshoot was on point, but I can't really see their items... I was expecting more... Is there a place I can maybe see the clothing line? As in the clothes "Amen" sells coz the concept is on point